Often people are so resigned to constant harassment and abuse that they believe it is something they must put up with, as though it's part of daily life. Everyone needs to make it clear that they find all forms of harassment unacceptable and take a stand against it. Witnessing street harassment and not safely intervening sends the message to those experiencing and perpetrating it that it's okay and that society considers the behaviour acceptable. Acceptance of street harassment contributes to a toxic culture that perpetuates inequality by denying equal access to public spaces. Public spaces should be safe and inclusive for all. What can I do if I see it happen? The simplest thing that we can all do is ask ‘Are you okay?’ to someone experiencing it. If you see someone experience street harassment, and it is safe to do so, ask them that question. It can make a big difference to those who experience harassment by letting them know you stand by them, and that street harassment is never okay. If you see it. Ask it. We can all do this small yet powerful act. By asking 'Are you okay?' we become active bystanders safely intervening to offer support to someone. Watch this video and imagine you were the one experiencing unwanted touching, indecent exposure or offensive comments or gestures. Would you want someone to ask you if you were okay?